Success Story Elisa Chávez Zacarias Programme: Business-School Programme MBA Improved customer service and satisfied customers: Elisa is living in an apartment in Quetzaltenango in the municipality Olintepeque. She is 37 years old, married and has 2 children. She runs...
Success Story Elida Yolanda Camacho Jiataz Project: Business-School Programme MBA Positive Feedback from my customers Elida Yolanda Camacho Jiataz is 32 years old, married and lives in an apartment in Quetzaltenango in the municipality Cantel. She found work in a...
Success Story Alice Wambui Chege Programme: WorldWideWomen (Train the Trainer, August 2012-July 2013) Paying off a loan with efficient accounting Alice is married and mother of six sons. Together with her husband she runs a shop for animal food in Kahuho shopping...
Success Story John Kamau Project: Microcredit financing (2004) ,,Due to the loan I could in invest in machines, which make the farm work much easier.” With financial start up support to success In 1992, together with his wife and their children John had to flee from...
Success Story Abelardo González Cabrero Project: Certification of farmers (2013-2016) “Better hygiene on the farm can reduce work-related accidents and illnesses.” With satisfied employees to success Abelardo González Cabrero (51) is the owner of a mango...
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