ICEP – Partner for development.
ICEP was established in 1996 by private individuals. It is a non-profit organisation in pursuit of alleviating global poverty.
The success of ICEP is made possible by generous sponsors, supporters as well as competent and highly committed employees.
ICEP is funded by public and private institutional partners as well as a wide range of enterprises and private donors.

ICEP was founded by five private individuals in 1996 in Vienna in order to do something against global poverty.
ICEP is a non-profit association under Austrian law. The general assembly is the highest organ of the association. It elects the board of the association and the accountant for a period of 3 years. The board of the association chooses the general manager of the association. KPMG Austria Gmbh is the accountant of the association.
ICEP and corporAID
Since the very beginning ICEP has pursued the global fight against poverty with an economic focus – convinced that everyone can profit from globalisation.
In order to address the Austrian private sector directly, ICEP launched the corporAID Magazine in 2003 and organised the first Mulitlogue in 2005. Since 2008 ICEP has been operating the Information Office Business and Development on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economics. In 2012 it was turned into the corporAID platform with support from various corporate partners and the Austrian Development Agency.
ICEP’s factors for development
ICEP does not create development, but acts as an accelerator, mulitplicator and catalyst for processes, which support people in developing countries to become actors of their own development.

ICEP is convinced that global development will only function in a sustainabe way if poor people are successfully included in economic cycles and are given the chance to lead a self-determined life on the basis of their own work.
In many ways economic development is the foundation of social development. Health, education, social participation, security and human rights: All of these goals cannot be achieved without material wealth.
Individual responsibilty is key. The fight against global poverty depends on the active initiative of many people in politics, business and civil society. So that everyone can become the actor of one’s own development.
Market economy
Businesses are the engine for economic development. The better markets in developing countries work, the more innovative strength and resources enterprises will mobilise for the generation of wealth for the benefit of many.

Board of directors
The board of directors consists of five members each of them working pro-bono. They were unanimously elected on the 16th of May 2017 for a period of three years: Martin Kastner, Andrea Jungmann, Stephan Chavanne, Martina Kutscha and Thomas Aringer (above from left to right).
By helping people to help themselves, we succeed in lifting people in developing countries out of poverty in a sustainable way.
Empowerment for as many as possible is our task and the key to self-determination and economic independence. The productive and appropriate participation of men and women in value creation processes from their own strength, their own knowledge and the knowledge on the ground is our goal. Every single person who can take care of himself can contribute to a social and economic improvement of the world.
Stephan Chavanne is an official in the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sports. After a series of different positions in HR management, he has been running the department of army-employees since 2014. Stephan Chavanne studied law at the University of Vienna. He was one of the ICEP-founders in 1996.
T +43 (0)1 9690254
E s.chavanne[at]
In order to make social prosperity possible for people in developing countries, ICEP finances development projects, provides know-how and helps local organisations in the area of capacity development.
Martin Kastner is one of the co-founders of ICEP and has been on the Board since 1996. After completing his studies as an industrial engineer in 1973 he ran the marketing and PR department of Kastner & Öhler. Since 1992 he as been active member on board of various foundations.
T +43 (0)1 9690254
E m.kastner[at]
Sometimes it only takes a little nudge to get people to realize and develop their individual abilities and take their future step by step into their own hands.
Martina Kutscha studied Business Administration at the Vienna University of Economics and graduated in 2017 with a Master of Public Health at the Vienna Medical University. After many years in the international paper industry, she became independent in 2016 with PHM Consult, a consulting company for corporate health support on the one hand and a paper trading agency for Central Europe on the other.
T +43 (0)1 9690254
E martinavkutscha[at]
ICEP is not an end in itself. Ultimately we are working to make ourselves superfluous. However, there is still a lot to do until nobody in the world needs us any longer.
Thomas Aringer is the managing partner of 5p Consulting. Before founding 5P, he was responsible for business development, sales and HR management in different companies. He is member of the development team and editor of the university course of human resource development at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences.
T +43 (0)1 9690254
E thomas.aringer[at]
To have an impact in countries like Kenya, you can only help people to help themselves. To contribute here ought to be the responsibility of everyone.
To have a lasting impact in countries like Kenya or Cameroon, you can really only help people to help themselves. To contribute opportunities here ought to be the responsibility of everyone.
T +43 (0)1 9690254
E andrea.jungmann[at]

ICEP owes his success to its dedicated, voluntary board, many promoters and supporters as well as a competent and highly committed team of staff members

Bernhard Weber
Bernhard Weber is co-founder and general manager of ICEP. He obtained his PhD in Commercial Sciences at the Vienna University of Economics and is a graduate of the IESE Advanced Management Program.
T +43 (0)1 9690254

Christoph Eder
Christoph Eder has been working with ICEP since 2002 and runs the area of Business and Development. Before that the economic historian was working at an Austrian start-up company in the IT-sector.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-71
E chr.eder[at]
Development program

Benedikt Metternich
Benedikt Metternich has been managing the ICEP Development Program since 2003. Before that he has been working for the Austrian Development Aid Service in Brazil for three years and in Private Banking in Frankfurt. He studied Development Management at the London School Of Economics.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-41
E b.metternich[at]

Martin Maier
Martin Maier has been the project manager within the ICEP Development Program since 2015. Before that, the graduate of the University of Economics Vienna has been working in the financial sector for 25 years, 13 years of that in the general management of Allianz Invest KAG.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-43
E m.maier[at]

Christine Angleitner
Christine Angleitner war bereits 2015 und 2017 für ICEP-Projekte im Bildungsbereich in Guatemala und Brasilien im Einsatz. Seit 2019 ist sie durchgängig im Entwicklungsprogramm tätig. Seit 2021 ist sie in Ostafrika stationiert und betreut ICEP-Projekte vor Ort. Vor ihrer Zeit bei ICEP arbeitete Christine als Lehrerin für Teach For Austria.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-0
E c.angleitner[at]
Business cooperations

Astrid Taus
Astrid Taus has been responsible for ICEP Corporate Partnerships since 2006 and was previously working as a project manager in the Development Program. The sociologist has been working for Microsoft Austria as Community Affairs Manager for more than 10 years.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-73
E a.taus[at]

Christina Westermayer
Christina Westermayer studied trade science as well as agricultural and food economics and worked for many years in the field of rural development and entrepreneurship in Nicaragua, Uganda, Bolivia and Togo, among others. Since May 2023, she has been working for ICEP as a project manager in the field of business cooperation.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-72
E c.westermayer[at]

Lila Tyszkiewicz
Lila Tyszkiewicz has been working as a project manager in the area of corporate cooperation since May 2023. She previously studied International Relations, Political Science and Development in Maastricht, Berkeley and Lisbon. She gained practical experience at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Austrian Embassy in Lisbon, among others.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-79
E l.tyszkiewicz[at]
Business & Development

Veronika Stocker
Veronika Stocker studied business administration at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration with stays abroad in Australia and the USA. Before taking over as Head of Research & Events in November 2021, she worked at Red Bull Mediahouse in marketing and project management and as a freelancer.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-77
E v.stocker[at]

Christine Weber
Christine Weber joined ICEP in July 2022 as a project manager in the field of economics and development. After volunteering in Cape Town, she studied cultural and social anthropology and economics in Vienna and development economics in Amsterdam. She gained practical experience during internships in Jordan and the Philippines and as a Research Fellow at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
T+43 (0)1 9690254-78

Konstantin Oedl
Konstantin Oedl joined ICEP in July 2023 as a project manager in the field of economics and development. He studied political science, agricultural science, environmental technology and international relations. Previously, he worked for the Austrian Foreign Ministry and Parliament, among others, and is also a project manager in the arts sector.
T+43 (0)1 9690254-76
E k.oedl[at]

Julia Alber
Julia Alber has been working as a project manager in the field of business and development at ICEP since 2024. She studied Business Administration and International Development.
Previously, she worked as a management consultant for the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), the Austrian Research Foundation for International Development (ÖFSE), the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) and the Austrian Embassy in Mexico, among others.

Katharina Kainz-Traxler
Katharina Kainz-Traxler has been working for ICEP’s corporAID Magazine since 2006. Before that, the graduate from the Vienna University of Economics has been working in an Austrian weekly magazine for two years.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-64
E k.kainz[at]

Frederik Schäfer
Frederik Schäfer has been working for corporAID magazine since March 2018. Prior to that, he worked as a freelance journalist for various daily newspapers in Germany. He studied peace and conflict research in Marburg and Ankara and history in Hamburg.
T+43 (0)1 9690254-62
E f.schaefer[at]

Ursula Weber
Ursula Weber has been working for ICEP since 2001, since 2003 she has been a writer for the corporAID Magazine. Prior to that, the graduated pedagogue has been working in school teaching for a number of years and has been working for special interest publications.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-63

Stefan Karisch
Stefan Karisch has been working as a content creator in the corporAid team at ICEP since 2023. He completed his studies in MultiMediaArt at the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, an education that gave him in-depth knowledge of media and design. He now uses these skills to support the communication work at ICEP.
Communication & Fundraising

Marie-Theres Neudecker
Marie-Theres Neudecker has been responsible for communications with us since the end of 2019. After starting her career in a CSR consultancy, she gained several years of experience as a communications consultant in a large PR agency. She took her expertise in online and offline communication with her when she changed jobs to the NGO sector in 2012 and has since also gained experience in fundraising. She studied communication sciences and international relations at the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-0
E mt.neudecker[at]

Daria Vogrin
Daria Vogrin has been part of the communications team at ICEP since 2024.Before completing her Master’s degree in Applied Linguistics at the University of Vienna, she studied English and Linguistics in Switzerland, with stays abroad in England and China.She gained her professional experience in the field of political campaigning with a focus on campaign and event organization as well as fundraising. She has also worked as a freelance speaker on women’s rights issues.

Maximilian Waldhof
Maximilian Waldhof has been working in the communications team at ICEP since 2023. He completed his studies in Marketing & Sales at the Vienna University of Applied Sciences of WKW.During this time, he gained additional experience in marketing and communications teams at various companies.There he learned sound business communication skills. He now uses this knowledge at ICEP.

Mihai Mitrea
Mihai Mitrea has been working as graphic designer and photographer for ICEP since 2009. T +43 (0)1 9690254-66 E m.mitrea[at]

Marijana Lacarak
Marijana Lacarak has been administrative head of the ICEP office since 2008. Prior she worked as key account manager for an American corporation.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-11
E m.lacarak[at]

Mara Taus
Mara Taus has been part of the back office at ICEP since 2023. She is currently studying environmental engineering at BOKU Vienna.
T +43 (0)1 9690254-11
E m.taus[at]

ICEP’ work is financially supported by public partners like the Austrian Development Cooperation, by private foundations as institutional private partners, companies, as well as private individuals.
In the year 2018 ICEP has had incomes of a total of 2,419,567 Euro. Its expenses amounted in this year to a total of 2,420,616 Euro, the funds being used for the development program, the area of business & development and development education, as well as for marketing and for administration & overheads.
ICEP Sources of funds 2018
- Private donors 5%
- Companies 25%
- Public partners 29%
- Institutional partners 41%
Apart from those projects that are financed and administered by and through ICEP, ICEP also managed projects in developing countries amounting to more than 400.000. The funds fro these projects did not go through ICEP accounts and are therefore not included in the annual report.
The annual accounts of the association follow the lines of the Spendegütesiegel, the verification of prudent donation management, and can be found in our annual report. The accounts have been verified by the accounting firm KPMG and have been verified without restrictions.
ICEP Use of funds 2018
- Development program 62%
- Business & development 27%
- Marketing and Public Relations 5%
- Administration & Overheads 6%
Responsibility and Control
KPMG annually reviews ICEP regarding prudent accounting and application of funds according to its statutes. ICEP has also qualified for the Spendegütesiegel, a certification of prudent donation management. Most importantly, however, ICEP has reliable and professional partners with whom we are constant contact and regularly visit on site. They report about project progresses and the use of funds at least annually.
This encounter happened some years ago. I was waiting at the airport in Nairobi and started talking to a Kenyan of Indian origin. When I told him about my cooperation with Kenyan partners, he reacted surprisingly: „Forget it! What a waste of money, such a pity! They are all corrupt and rip you off. What’s the name of the organisation?“ – „Kianda.“ – His face immediately brightened up: Kianda is an exception, they do very good work. I would support them as well.
Not all our partners have such an anecdote. But still, we know all of them so well that we can vouch for their trustworthiness
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ICEP-supporting members make our work sustainable