Success Story
Elida Yolanda Camacho Jiataz
Project: Business-School Programme MBA
Positive Feedback from my customers
Elida Yolanda Camacho Jiataz is 32 years old, married and lives in an apartment in Quetzaltenango in the municipality Cantel. She found work in a small shop, where she was responsible for the sale of library books at first. This occupation brought good income, because the shop was close to a school and therefore the customers appreciated the library. Elisa decided to pursue further education and took an MBA training, where she gained skills in management and administration. She gained control over revenues and expenses and became capable of doing accounting on her own. The business became a success and she could expand her range of products, and could also employ her brother. ,,We now have a structure in our daily business, like fixed opening times and we take them seriously. My dream is to start my own company one day.”